Asslm wr wb
Unbelievable, but I must believe this is the wonderful dream that comes true. I have many dreams (not wet dream) that I thought I couldn't make it real, but the truth I got the one of my dreams. I continue my study in Institute Technology of Bandung or usual it is called ITB. I love Allah :)
One thing that I still thought it was a dream.Finally I have a special-friend actually a girlfriend. Is this still a dream? ( I hope it's not). I'm so happy because I can divide my heart with her, my pupil, my girlfriend, my love. Thanks a lot for you and of course I love You too :)
OK, that's all some of my dreams that comes true. Great thanks for the Greatest Almighty, Allah SWT.
Alhamdulillahirobbilalamin :)
Unbelievable, but I must believe this is the wonderful dream that comes true. I have many dreams (not wet dream) that I thought I couldn't make it real, but the truth I got the one of my dreams. I continue my study in Institute Technology of Bandung or usual it is called ITB. I love Allah :)
One thing that I still thought it was a dream.Finally I have a special-friend actually a girlfriend. Is this still a dream? ( I hope it's not). I'm so happy because I can divide my heart with her, my pupil, my girlfriend, my love. Thanks a lot for you and of course I love You too :)
OK, that's all some of my dreams that comes true. Great thanks for the Greatest Almighty, Allah SWT.
Alhamdulillahirobbilalamin :)
4 comment(s):
hei selamet yo dek, anak ITB cuy!!
btw gentila url Kk... la kadaluarsa yg dipajang tuh...
alhamdulillah kak :D
oh, sippla..gek lgsg dgnti..
congrats dekaa
*basi nian yang ini :P
aku jagoi cewek kau baek2
tenang sajoo
tapi transfer ke rekening ya tiap bulan :P
makasih y tek :D
aeae, samo kawan dewek pelit :(
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