Ass wr wb..

Hey, now my blog and my friendster can be seached in GOOGLE..

You can look by yourself in GOOGLE, in the keyword you just type "hadeka maru" or just "hadeka" then you can look my blog is in the first list..

look this pict, this is use the keyword "hadeka maru"

and this is use the keyword "hadeka"

Now, I'm happy!! So, check it out !!



ass wr wrb,

Wew now I can Collect my own Graffity..But the word just "HDK".This is of course cool n great...

I put them in my sidebar in rightside..

SO, Check it out...!!



ass wr wb,

nah aq mo nanya sama gamer2 gak yg gak tau sama game satu ini,yaitu COUNTER STRIKE ato yg sering dibilang CS sama Polisi n Penjahat?? Pasti tau smua donk..!!

Game ini bertype game simulasi yg maennya perang antara team Counter Terrorist(CT)/polisi sama team Terrorist(Terro)/penjahat. Yang pastinya senjata/weapon yg digunain di sini itu keren2 dan memang dipakai sama para teroris maupun anti-teroris..

Contohnya ni weapon khusus yg digunain kubu CT itu biasanya:

  • Maverick
  • Bulpup riffle
  • Clarion

dan weapon khusus y digunain kubu Terro itu biasanya:

  • IDF Defender
  • AK47
  • Krieg

Tapi banyak lagi senjata yg bisa dipake seperti Shotgun, Nighthawk, Dual Barretas, Magnum sniper, etc.

Game ini memakai map2 yg biasa terjadi pertempuran antara teroris dan pembasminya..jadi kayak bener2 real, smpe ad darah yg moncrot..!!(wew..!!)

Game ini memang bener2 SERU..!! keren n gak bosen2..padahal game ini udh ad pd tahun 1990-an lho..(wuih.! lama bener ni game)..n skrg masih eksis cz game ini teruz berkembang n slalu di-update..

Nah skrg loe2 pada pasti pengen ni maen sama temen2 loe di game CS ini..loe yg jadi CT or Terro it's ok..pokoke tembak smua musuh yg ad di depanmu sampe tewasss..! n berteriak HORREEEEEE....!!

Dor..!! dor..!!; go! go! go!; counter-terrorist win; terrorist win

be a great GUNNER n KILLER..okx!!


April 10, 2008 | 0 comment(s)  
asslm wr wb,

apa itu BUGEMM..??
apa sih kepanjangan BUGEMM..??

well, aq mw njelasin dikit apa itu BUGEMM.
so, check it out..!!

apa itu BUGEMM..??

nah, ini aq nanya2 ama orang2 di jubel (SMAN Tujuh Belas)..
secara prosesnya sih BUGEMM itu kegiatan yang buat kita nambah rajin baca buku yang pastinya gak asik(tapi ad jga yg asik lho.!!), enaknya kita emang nambah pengetahuan gara2 baca buku...( juga tuh BUGEMM).

sekarang, apa kepanjangan BUGEMM itu sendiri???

ini menurut orang2 yg aq tanya juga di jubel..
  • BUGEMM (Budaya Gemar Membaca dan Menulis)
  • BUGEMM (Budaya Gemar Membaca dan Mengetik)
  • BUGEMM (Budaya Gemar Meng-copy dan Mem-paste)
  • BUGEMM (Budaya Gemar Mengetik terus Mengoceh di depan)
  • BUGEMM (Budaya Gemar Mengartikan dan Memplesetkan BUGEMM itu sendiri..hahaha..)

nah, sekarang udh tau kan apa itu BUGEMM di jubel dan kepanjangan2nya..

program ini emang bagus tapi aq males bgt utk ngetik2 sama ngoceh2 di depan..(malez bgt..!!)


bye, see u in the next post..!!


There is an island that will be destroy because a nuclear rocket will appear that island...
but there is a small plane with the pilot that ready to go to the other island and will have a new life...
the small plane can lift 6 people...but there are 10 people in that island..
they are:
  1. Man of religion
  2. Homosexual doctor (male, 46)
  3. Female singer (30)
  4. Policeman with the gun
  5. The chief of an african tribe
  6. The chief pregnant wife
  7. The judge
  8. University profesor (female, 32)
  9. A warrior (male)
  10. An alcoholic agriculture (female)

Now, you choose 6 people and eliminate 4 people to join the small plane to go to other island and make a new life...

but give the reason why you choose them..

Remember answer it by your fresh brain and globaly thinking (weleh..opo iki gk ngerti..)



this is just a question for you and for me too, but I want to know what is your answer and your, please join this question..because the answer must be interesting..!

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