Ass wr wb..
Hey, now my blog and my friendster can be seached in GOOGLE..
You can look by yourself in GOOGLE, in the keyword you just type "hadeka maru" or just "hadeka" then you can look my blog is in the first list..
look this pict, this is use the keyword "hadeka maru"
and this is use the keyword "hadeka"

Hey, now my blog and my friendster can be seached in GOOGLE..
You can look by yourself in GOOGLE, in the keyword you just type "hadeka maru" or just "hadeka" then you can look my blog is in the first list..
look this pict, this is use the keyword "hadeka maru"
and this is use the keyword "hadeka"
Now, I'm happy!! So, check it out !!
sekedar coret
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